2024 GFY - Gifts For Yanks
1) Flag Tote Bag, 2) Veteran Coffee Mug, 3) Fleece Blanket (US VET), 4) Veteran Lapel Pin,
5) 6x1 Keychain (Legion Post 504), 6) Snowman Ornament (Happy Holidays Post 504),
7) Various Puzzle Books & Senior Med Info cards, 8) A Bag of Candy
Gifts For Yanks - Heritage Woods, Batavia, IL.
Post members in back w/hats left to right, Howard Miller, Bill Allen, Cmdr Irvin Brohammer, Sam Morris, Jim Gongaware, New member Doug, Sid Tobias, John Barrett, Ron Vacura, Bob McKinney, David Jordan, Nate Gustafson & the 8 veterans who received gifts. There were 3 bags left with Activity Director to pass out to those unable to attend.
Gifts For Yanks - The Holmstad, Batavia, IL.
Post members standing in back are left to right- John Barrett, Jim Gongaware, New member Doug, David Jordan, Bob McKinney, Sid Tobias, Howard Miller, Sam Morris, Ron Vacura, Nate Gustafson, Bill Allen and Post Cmdr. Irvin Brohammer & the 17 veterans who received gifts. There were 27 bags left with Activity Director to pass out to those unable to attend. After handing out gifts to gathered residents above, we split up and went to Michaelson Special Care and handed out 3 gifts, Assited Living with 10 gifts and Catered Living another 7 gifts. An additional 3 gifts were taken to Batavia Rehab for the 3 resident veterans there.
Gifts For Yanks - The Landings, Batavia, IL.
When we got to The Landings, we had an issue with bumping into their scheduled lunch time for the residents. We were able to hand out a total of 11 gifts to the veterans that had assembled in the lounge area and dining room. Right before we packed up for the day, a family who was visiting one of the veterans came down to the lobby to leave. Post Cmdr. Irvin Brohammer was able to present that veteran with his gift and talk with the family. There were 18 bags left with Activity Director to pass out to those unable to attend.