State Best Practices-ILLiNOIS & Veterans License Plates
Illinois Military Family Relief Fund amilyReadiness/1 MRF / FamilyRelief.htm The Illinois Military Family Relief Fund (IMFRF) was created in 2003 to provide monetary grants to families of Illinois National Guard members and Illinois residents serving in U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Components who were called to active duty as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. These grants are intended to help service members and their families defray the costs of food, housing, utilities, medical services, and other expenses that become difficult to afford when a wageearner has temporarily left civilian employment to be placed on active duty.
Illinois Tuition Assistance
Active members of the Illinois National Guard, or former members with at least five years consecutive service, are eligible for tuition assistance of up to 100% tuition at any two to four year state college or university for the equivalent of four academic years of full-time enrollment. Additionally, the Illinois Veteran's Grant will pay eligible tuition and allowable fees at any public, two to four year Illinois college or university for those who have served at least one year of federal active duty service in the Armed Services, or served in a foreign country during hostilities in that country. https:/ /www.illi noi s .gov /P ress Re leases/ ShowPressRelease.cfm?Subjectl D= 1 &RecNum=6561 The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs provides screening for all returning Illinois National Guard members for signs of mild and moderate traumatic brain injury (MTBI) and post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. In addition to the screening, all veterans and their families have access to a 24-hour toll-free hotline, the Illinois Warrior Assistance Program.
Illinois Military Family Leave Act
http://www.i Iga. gov/leg isl ation/publ icacts/fu IItext.asp? Name=094-0589 Family members are allowed to take unpaid, job-protected leave to visit with a spouse or child who has been called into military service for over 30 days. Family members are entitled to 15-30 days of leave depending on the size of the employer.
Illinois Patriot Plan
http://www.i Iga. govlleg i slation/publicacts/fulltext.asp? Name=094-0589 An Illinois law strengthening consumer protections for deployed military and their spouses. It allows for termination of cell phone contracts and auto leases without penalty, forbids forfeiture of life insurance policies, prevents disconnection of gas or electric services, and allows a delay of eviction proceedings.
Veterans License Plates
American Legion Accident Insurance Protection at No-cost-to-You -- Click below
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